Highlights from this episode:
In the highlights section we will be choosing words, ideas, and feelings that we are taking away from each conversation. We discussed:
Her book and challenges she faced in the publication process. She wanted the book to be (1) in plain language and (2) she needed the testimonialistas read it (thus it was translated).
Affirming ways to tell people’s stories by leaving aside judgments & writers who inspired her writing
What is descriptive inquiry and its origin in observation and description of school age students. Inquiry is what teacher can do to support student
Special Education services in schools. We talked about how there is a capacity for magic in special education; however, barriers exist too (monolingual sped programs deny access to home language). She asked "how are we helping them if we disconnect them from their culture?"
Being bold & genuine in publishing research and finding academic spaces despite pushback. The importance of finding mentors.
Shifting from intersectional identities to intersectional systems.
Inequities in SPED & disinformation given to parents. She offers suggestions for communicating with parents beyond categories and eligibility.
Last words: inspiration, you can make your own path, gratitude, ask your questions
Dr. Cioè-Peña's Website: https://www.mariacioe-pena.com/
Instagram: @cioepena_phd
Twitter: @MCP718
Free Spanish-version available as a PDF: https://www.mariacioe-pena.com/libros.html
Our introduction to Dr. Cioè-Peña was through @aacforyouandme on Instagram
Reading/Author Recommendations:
Does Compliance Matter in Special Education?: IDEA and the Hidden Inequities of Practice by Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides
Unsettling Languages, Unruly Bodyminds: Imaging a Crip Linguistics - John Henner, Octavian Robertson (2021)